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Moving of G8 summit fails to move protestors

Although Obama relocated the G8 summit from Chicago to Camp David, activists still plan to protest the NATO summit. The G8 summit was planned to take place on May18 and 19 and May 20 and 21 for the NATO summit, since last summer. Activists readied themselves to protest the lack of efforts by these organizations until Obama announced the transfer of the G8 summit. Activists believe the summit was moved for one reason: fear.

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Our News MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Our News MyJihad MyJihad

CAIR-Chicago rallies against National Defense Authorization Act provisions

On Thursday December 15th, 2011 - the 220th anniversary of the signing of the Bill of Rights into law - CAIR-Chicago’s deputy director Sufyan Sohel, along with members of the interfaith community, spoke at a rally in Federal Plaza in downtown Chicago to oppose new provisions introduced as part of the National Defense Authorization Act.

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Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

WBEZ: Local Reactions to President Obama's Foreign Policy

Ahmed Rehab is the Executive Director of CAIR Chicago: the Council on American-Islamic Relations. He said the President sugar-coats the US demands on Israel. "Would you please do this, pretty please do that? That's not the message the United States should have. We need to be a lot more courageous and bold and demanding of the right thing."

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Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

ABC 7: CAIR-Chicago Shares Hopes for Obama's Speech on Middle East Policy

"I think the President realizes that this is a historic opportunity for us to shift our foreign policy towards the Arab world, towards acknowledging the fact that it is the millions in the street calling for democracy and freedom, that are the real voice of that part of the world - and not the sporadic, peripheral, marginal, militant radical groups," said Ahmed Rehab.

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Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

FOX Business: Ahmed Rehab on How Bin Laden's Assassination Highlights Flaws in Our 'War on Terror'

"We've politicized 9/11, we've had costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, with surges, military personnel, with trillions of dollars spent. And then at the end of the day it takes what we've been saying all along - good, hard intelligence and a committed group of surgical strikes," says Ahmed Rehab.

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