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WBEZ, Worldview: Ahmed Rehab on the continuing Egyptian crisis

Ahmed Rehab discusses Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi's new deal with the country’s top judicial authorities that would limit the scope of the self-appointed powers he’d taken last week. Morsi’s power grab had set off a series of violent protests in Egypt over the last few days.

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Carthage College to visit CAIR-Chicago - January 13, 2012

CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinators Aymen Abdel Halim and Leena Saleh will be giving a joint presentation discussing the role of women in Islam and the effect media has on the perception of Muslims in America. Attending will be students from Carthage College who are studying the role of women in the literature and arts of the contemporary Middle East.

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Amina Sharif discusses anti-Sharia movement on panel at Chicago-Kent College of Law

On November 15, 2011, CAIR-Chicago’s Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif joined a panel discussion on the Constitutionality of legislation, proposed in 25 states, banning Sharia law. The panel included Chicago-Kent Constitutional Law Professors Steven J. Heyman and Mark Rosen.

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Ahmed Rehab Participates in Al-Jazeera Forum in Qatar

CAIR-Chicago’s Executive Director Ahmed Rehab was one of many speakers taking part in the Al-Jazeera Forum in Doha, Qatar this past weekend. The forum typically hosts various representatives from media, politics, academia and activist groups to convene and discuss issues regarding the constantly changing dynamic of the Arab world and its place in globalized society.

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Chicago Tribune: Rage Friday: Witnessing Egypt Firsthand

Dubbed “Rage Friday,” Egyptians took to the streets in massive numbers all over Cairo, Alexandria, and several other cities around the country directly calling for a regime change. Until recently, while the government tolerated a certain degree of freedom of speech, criticism of Egypt’s 30-year despot Mubarak was unimaginable; those who tried faced swift retribution by the government in one form or another.

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Albany Park Post: Muslim Leaders Urge Voting, Oppose View it's Sinful

While CAIR-Chicago believes that Hizb ut-Tahrir has a right to their views that Muslim's shouldn't vote, the organization says that American Muslims must be civically engaged, from voting to running for office. Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson specifically objected to the organizations point that even though Muslims have voted in the United States and around the world, it’s done them little good.

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