The new slur: Calling Obama the "M" word
The English language doesn't lack for things to call politicians you don't like. Why, then, of all of the things he (or she) could have called President Obama, was "Muslim" chosen?
The new slur: Calling Obama the "M" word
The English language doesn't lack for things to call politicians you don't like. Why, then, of all of the things he (or she) could have called President Obama, was "Muslim" chosen?
WBEZ, Worldview: Ahmed Rehab discusses Morsi's dismissal of military leaders in Egypt
Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director of CAIR-Chicago discusses Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's dismissal of several top military generals.
WBEZ, Worldview: Ahmed Rehab discusses Morsi's dismissal of military leaders in Egypt
Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director of CAIR-Chicago discusses Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's dismissal of several top military generals.
Dare to DREAM: Obama's new policy on undocumented youth
Undocumented youth and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights comment on Obama’s new policy which offers new opportunities to over 800,000 young immigrants across the United States.
Dare to DREAM: Obama's new policy on undocumented youth
Undocumented youth and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights comment on Obama’s new policy which offers new opportunities to over 800,000 young immigrants across the United States.
New Anti-Trespassing Law Could be Dangerous for Activists
Reflecting on a tumultuous year of Occupy movements and the Arab Spring, the U.S. government has passed not one, but two new anti-protesting laws. With the exclusion of single word - from “willingly and knowingly” to simply “knowingly” - the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act is further restricting Americans first amendment rights.
ACTION ALERT: Express your opposition to the President's signing of NDAA
On December 31st, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law - allowing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens around the world.
ACTION ALERT: Express your opposition to the President's signing of NDAA
On December 31st, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law - allowing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens around the world.
ACTION ALERT: Demand that President Obama Veto the NDAA - NOW!
Yesterday, the National Defense Authorization Act was received by the White House for President Obama's official signing. Call the White House today and demand a veto!
ACTION ALERT: Ask President Obama to Veto Indefinite Detention of U.S. Citizens
CAIR-Chicago is urging American Muslims and other people of conscience to contact President Obama and urge him to veto the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R.1540), which authorizes the military to arrest and indefinitely detain American citizens suspected of terrorism without charge or trial.
Civil Rights, Interfaith Leaders Hold Press Conference to Condemn Controversial Provisions of Senate Bill S. 1867
On Thursday, December 8, civil rights and interfaith leaders held a press conference at the CAIR-Chicago office to condemn the controversial new provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1867) which passed in the Senate last week. SEE PHOTOS
PRESS CONFERENCE: Civil Rights, Interfaith Leaders to Condemn Controversial Senate Bill
On Thursday, December 8, the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago), along with other civil rights and interfaith groups, will hold a press conference calling on Congress and President Obama to reject the U.S. Senate’s version of the National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1867).
ACTION ALERT: Contact Senators, President Obama and Demand They Reject Detaining U.S. Citizens Without Charge or Trial
Contact your Senators and demand the removal of provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act which will allow the indefinite detainment of American citizens without charging them for any crime or giving them a fair trial.
CNN: Tricia Erickson: 'An indoctrinated Mormon should never be elected as President'
"Erickson's faux patriotism flies in the face of the basic freedoms enshrined in our constitution, threatens our commitment to pluralism, and undermines our culture of meritocracy, by seemingly mistaking the U.S. for a religious state that privileges her chosen faith over those of other Americans," said Ahmed M. Rehab, Executive Director, CAIR-Chicago.
WBEZ: Local Reactions to President Obama's Foreign Policy
Ahmed Rehab is the Executive Director of CAIR Chicago: the Council on American-Islamic Relations. He said the President sugar-coats the US demands on Israel. "Would you please do this, pretty please do that? That's not the message the United States should have. We need to be a lot more courageous and bold and demanding of the right thing."
ABC 7: CAIR-Chicago Shares Hopes for Obama's Speech on Middle East Policy
"I think the President realizes that this is a historic opportunity for us to shift our foreign policy towards the Arab world, towards acknowledging the fact that it is the millions in the street calling for democracy and freedom, that are the real voice of that part of the world - and not the sporadic, peripheral, marginal, militant radical groups," said Ahmed Rehab.