Fourth Presbyterian Church holding immigration panel discussion
The Fourth Presbyterian Church is holding an immigration reform panel discussion today, November 21st, at 6:30 pm in Chicago.
Reza Aslan, Fox News and the status Islamophobia in the media
Fox News' recent interview with Reza Aslan caused waves in the internet world as outwardly Islamophobic. Communications Intern Shaiesha Moore explores the more subtle forms of Islamophobia present in the media that often go unnoticed.
Kony 2012: How would the media report on Joseph Kony if he was Muslim?
The way in which KONY 2012 is being reported illustrates a clear bias and double standard in reporting. The crimes that Kony and the LRA have committed are acts of terror and should be labeled as such.
The impact of surveillance programs on the American-Muslim community
A feeling of suspicion has swept over American-Muslims, leaving some distrustful of others in their own community.
Amina Sharif discusses anti-Sharia movement on panel at Chicago-Kent College of Law
On November 15, 2011, CAIR-Chicago’s Communications Coordinator Amina Sharif joined a panel discussion on the Constitutionality of legislation, proposed in 25 states, banning Sharia law. The panel included Chicago-Kent Constitutional Law Professors Steven J. Heyman and Mark Rosen.
Chicago Tribune: Muslim Sues Bottling Company Over Prayer Time
A former delivery driver has filed a federal lawsuit against a soda bottling plant in Harvey that allegedly fired him shortly after he asked to time his lunch break to attend weekly Islamic prayers at a mosque.
Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson Discusses Islam and American Politics at Wheaton College
Gerald Hankerson, Outreach Coordinator of CAIR-Chicago, presented at Wheaton College on October 5th regarding Muslim perspectives on American politics.
Two Movies. Different Focus. One Message.
Two Muslim American movies discuss one message: the negative impact of 9/11 on Muslims in America. They use two different approaches: Fordson focuses on a Muslim community's unity, while Mooz-lum focuses on one individual's struggle.
Daily Herald: Don't blame religion for terrorism
Terms like “radical Islam” reflect negatively on a peaceful religion. The terrorists who recognize themselves as Muslims are not true followers of the religion as Islam condemns the killing of innocents. Therefore, the term “Islam” should be avoided in the discourse of terrorism and 9/11.
Daily Herald: Don't blame religion for terrorism
Terms like “radical Islam” reflect negatively on a peaceful religion. The terrorists who recognize themselves as Muslims are not true followers of the religion as Islam condemns the killing of innocents. Therefore, the term “Islam” should be avoided in the discourse of terrorism and 9/11.
Extremism has no religion
Communications Intern Jenn Schanz reflects on the tragedy in Norway and the tendency of terrorists to hide behind religious ideology to further political agendas.
CNN: Tricia Erickson: 'An indoctrinated Mormon should never be elected as President'
"Erickson's faux patriotism flies in the face of the basic freedoms enshrined in our constitution, threatens our commitment to pluralism, and undermines our culture of meritocracy, by seemingly mistaking the U.S. for a religious state that privileges her chosen faith over those of other Americans," said Ahmed M. Rehab, Executive Director, CAIR-Chicago.
Gerald Hankerson and Amina Sharif Present at Northwestern University
Gerald Hankerson, CAIR-Chicago’s Outreach Coordinator, and Amina Sharif, the Communications Coordinator, presented to a religion and culture class at Northwestern University on Thursday, April 21. The two discussed the role race and ethnicity play in the American Muslim experience.
ACTION ALERT: Call DuPage County, Support MECCA Mosque
The DuPage County Development Committee (CDC) voted yesterday to recommend granting a permit to the MECCA Mosque, but the issue is not over yet. The County Board will vote on the matter next week. Call the County Board and show your support for MECCA as well as the other mosques seeking permits.
Chicago Tribune: Religious leaders urge approval of DuPage mosque
"How many mosques constitute an oversaturation in unincorporated DuPage County, according to the Zoning Board of Appeals?" asked Ahmed Rehab, director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, at a news conference. "The answer would be one. One would be one too many apparently, and that's very disconcerting to us."
Medill Reports: Islamic group puts pressure on DuPage to change stand banning mosque
In tough economic times most neighborhoods would welcome development. But in suburban Willowbrook, they’re waving it off for an unusual reason: religious oversaturation.