Actions speak louder than words: The West’s role in international arms trade
In recent memory, the West, led by the U.S., has intervened in several cases to rid a country of an authoritarian government and put in its place a more democratic system. However, there is also a long track record of propping up regimes, for strategic and economic reasons, that embody everything the West claims to stand against.
How American Muslims were also victims of the horrendous attacks on 9/11
Are the portrayals of Muslim Americans by some elected officials and members of the media accurate? Are non-Muslim Americans the only victims of extremism? Should Muslim Americans be obligated to apologize for the actions of a few that distort the true meaning of the Qur’an?
M. Salahuddin Khan presents "America, Afghanistan and Pakistan: Pathology of a Relationship" on May 3rd
On Thursday May 3rd, author and expert on American-Af-Pak issues M. Salahuddin Khan, will give a presentation called "America, Afghanistan and Pakistan: Pathology of a Relationship".
M. Salahuddin Khan presents "America, Afghanistan and Pakistan: Pathology of a Relationship" on May 3rd
On Thursday May 3rd, author and expert on American-Af-Pak issues M. Salahuddin Khan, will give a presentation called "America, Afghanistan and Pakistan: Pathology of a Relationship".
CAIR Chicago Immigration Vlog #1 with Noor Salahuddin
Noor Salahuddin discusses immigration issues in CAIR-Chicago's Immigration Vlog. In this session Noor dispels common U.S. immigration myths.
MYLS Presenting Youth Leadership Workshop to Philippine Delegation at NIU
MYLS Coordinator Mokaram Rauf and Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson will present a workshop on Youth Leadership in Civic Engagement and Community Service at Northern Illinois University (NIU) in DeKalb.