Features, Opinion Corner MyJihad MyJihad Features, Opinion Corner MyJihad MyJihad

Actions speak louder than words: The West’s role in international arms trade

In recent memory, the West, led by the U.S., has intervened in several cases to rid a country of an authoritarian government and put in its place a more democratic system. However, there is also a long track record of propping up regimes, for strategic and economic reasons, that embody everything the West claims to stand against.

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Business Day: SA should condemn Syrian human rights abuse

"Since the beginning of the peaceful demonstrations in Syria on March 15 this year, 1350 civilians have been killed. An estimated 15000 civilians have been detained, tortured or have disappeared and more than 12000 refugees have fled the country," Christina Abraham, Civil Rights director at CAIR-Chicago, told the media in Johannesburg today.

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Opinion Corner MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Opinion Corner MyJihad MyJihad

The PATRIOT Act: Upholding National Security or Breaking Unalienable Rights?

On May 27th, 2011, President Obama signed the renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act. The purpose of the bill was to enhance domestic security against terrorism in response to the September 11th attacks, but it has gone far beyond its preventative purpose and encroached on our constitutional rights.

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Features, Media Monitor, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Monitor, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

SUN-TIMES: Conflict in Israel, Palestine is political -- not religious

Amina Sharif writes, "The conflict in Israel and Palestine is political, not religious. It is not between Jews and Muslims; it is between the government of Israel and the people of Palestine (who are Muslim and Christian). "In reality, many Jews -- even in Israel -- sympathize with the Palestinians and criticize their own government's policies toward Gaza and the West Bank."

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Features, Media Monitor, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Features, Media Monitor, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

Israel’s kind acts in Haiti create double-standard

In his op-ed Nasatir highlights the amazing efforts by Jews in America and Israel in the humanitarian crisis in Haiti and for this, I truly commend them. But what about the humanitarian crisis in Palestine? Israeli checkpoints violate Palestinians' basic human rights by denying medical vehicles and services. This contrasts sharply with Israel generously building a hospital in Haiti.

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

University of Chicago Failed to Distance Itself from Olmert's Criminality

"It is not the fact that the Univ. of Chicago invited a pro-Israel speaker that offended so many. Rather, it is Olmert’s criminality that offends. It is the disparity with which the university treated its affected students that offends. It is the way in which they assured us that all views would be given a platform, and yet blatantly repressed the point of view of one group of people, that offends. And for this they must, at the very least, apologize," says Christina Abraham.

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Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad Civil Rights Center, Features, Media Mentions MyJihad MyJihad

University of Chicago Failed to Distance Itself from Olmert's Criminality

"It is not the fact that the Univ. of Chicago invited a pro-Israel speaker that offended so many. Rather, it is Olmert’s criminality that offends. It is the disparity with which the university treated its affected students that offends. It is the way in which they assured us that all views would be given a platform, and yet blatantly repressed the point of view of one group of people, that offends. And for this they must, at the very least, apologize," says Christina Abraham.

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Immigration Groups Protest Rep. Kirk’s Bid for Senate Seat

North Shore Congressman Mark Kirk announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate on Monday, July 20. CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab, and CAIR-Chicago interns joined the Illinois Coalition for Immigration and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) in a peaceful protest during the press conference held in Kenilworth.

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