Reza Aslan, Fox News and the status Islamophobia in the media
Fox News' recent interview with Reza Aslan caused waves in the internet world as outwardly Islamophobic. Communications Intern Shaiesha Moore explores the more subtle forms of Islamophobia present in the media that often go unnoticed.
Yahala Voice: Gerald Hankerson interview about "Taste of Ramadan"
Check out this interview with Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson and Yahala Voice about the "Taste of Ramadan" Iftar.
Yahala Voice: Gerald Hankerson interview about "Taste of Ramadan"
Check out this interview with Outreach Coordinator Gerald Hankerson and Yahala Voice about the "Taste of Ramadan" Iftar.
CLTV: CAIR-Chicago hosts news conference on Boston bombings [VIDEO]
Ahmed Rehab speaks at CAIR-Chicago's news conference on Friday, April 19th about the heinous acts of violence in Boston and the retaliatory acts of violence against Muslims since.
ABC 7: Ahmed Rehab denounces generalizations about Muslims [VIDEO]
At an April 19th press conference hosted at CAIR-Chicago, Executive Director Ahmed Rehab asks the American public not to judge the entire Muslim community based on the actions of the individual culprits of the Boston Marathon bombings.
WGN 9 Radio: Ahmed Rehab discusses racist CTA ads, sheds light on Jihad
Ahmed Rehab, Executive Director of the Chicago Office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, discusses the racist CTA ads, and sheds light on the meaning of Jihad that many Americans and the media may not know.
Al-Ahram: Don't take the bait
In an exclusive interview, Executive Director of the Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations Ahmed Rehab tells Gihan Shahine how Muslims should react to the current wave of anti-Islamic bigotry.
ABC 7: Chicago activist, Ahmed Rehab, in Egypt for election results
Mohammed Morsi was declared Egypt's first democratically elected president on Sunday. CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director, Ahmed Rehab reports live from Tahrir Square.
ABC 7: Communications Coordinator Aymen Abdel Halim comments on Hizb ut-Tahrir
CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator, Aymen Abdel Halim, comments on the cancellation of Hizb ut-Tahrir's conference in Rolling Meadows, Ill.
ABC 7: Rolling Meadows hall cancels Islamic conference
CAIR-Chicago Communications Coordinator, Aymen Abdel Halim, responds to the Hizb ut-Tahrir conference which was scheduled to be in Rolling Meadows, Ill. this coming weekend.
Bashar Al-Assad: The Denial of a Dictator
In a December 2011 interview with Barbara Walters, Assad’s calm exterior reflected not his discomfort about the probing questions he was being asked, but that he is a very capable liar—or that he lives in his own fantasy world.
On the anniversary of the Egyptian revolution: Ahmed Rehab on WBEZ WorldView with Wael Ghonim
Executive Director of CAIR-Chicago, Ahmed Rehab, takes part in a conversation with Wael Ghonim, a leading Egyptian activist and protest organizer, and Jerome McDonnell, host of WBEZ's WorldView on 91.5 FM in Chicago.
Ahmed Rehab To Speak At ICIRR Democracy Luncheon May 12th 2011
Join CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director Ahmed Rehab at a luncheon as he gives a first hand recollection of his experience in Egypt
Chicago Tribune: Executive Director Speaks Out: Muslim activist takes on his group's critics
Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director, discusses misperceptions about Islam and the smears against his Muslim civl rights organization, in a Q & A with the Chicago Tribune. "Like all Americans, we have to worry about the security of our country, our communities, and our children in the face of potential terror attacks," says Rehab.
Chicago Tribune: Executive Director Speaks Out: Muslim activist takes on his group's critics
Ahmed Rehab, CAIR-Chicago's Executive Director, discusses misperceptions about Islam and the smears against his Muslim civl rights organization, in a Q & A with the Chicago Tribune. "Like all Americans, we have to worry about the security of our country, our communities, and our children in the face of potential terror attacks," says Rehab.